

让员工保持健康并做正确的事情是很难的.  真的很难.  This is especially true when looking at the entire spectrum of well-being, 哪个是针对个人的 全面的 健康状况.  幸福的要素 包括:

  • 目的/职业: liking what you do each day and being motivated to achieve your goals.
  • 社交:在你的生活中拥有支持性的关系和爱.
  • Financial: managing your economic life to reduce stress and increase security.
  • Community: liking where you live, feeling safe, and having pride in your community.
  • And of course, Physical: having good health and enough energy to get things done daily.



解决心理健康问题, 正如我们之前所写的, 也是馅饼的重要组成部分吗, but it is assumed to be covered in this model if the other components are being met.

根据最近的一项研究 《正规澳门赌场app》的研究 我们在a中强调过 以前的博客文章, the return-on-investment for traditional wellness programs has been tough to prove, and traditional wellness program offerings are showing less-than-stellar results.  So what can you as an employer due to bolster your employees’ well-being 与out breaking the bank?


What if there was ONE tool that was able to affect ALL components of well-being?  我想说的是,确实存在.  自行车, 就这么简单, is still one of the most effective and efficient tools we humans have.  虽然它是一个伟大的娱乐工具, the power of the bicycle is truly unleashed when used in place of a car, 比如“主动交通”.“让我们把它分成幸福的组成部分:

身体健康: While the number of calories burned is dependent on the person’s size, 速度, 距离, 还有其他因素, 一般人会在两者之间燃烧 每小时450-750卡路里. 你可以 输入你的具体数字 如果你想看看你能燃烧多少. While you’re burning all those calories, commuting by bike might reduce your mental health days 降幅超过20%.

财务状况: 开车很贵. 美国国税局里程报销率目前为$.每英里545美元,这是基于实际增加的成本.  这不仅仅是天然气的问题, but also “wear and tear” on your vehicle that will eventually require maintenance (i.E、传动、电机、轮胎等).  假设通勤8英里(单程), 这仍然是可控的, 这样每天骑自行车上下班的人就能省下8美元.  Even if you start 与 commuting just two days per week, that’s $65 per month in savings.

社会健康: 的 cycling community, in Wichita especially, is very tight-knit and welcoming. 几乎所有人群都有自行车团体.  的 威奇托乖张的 是一个适合年长骑手的团体, WomenBikeICT 适合所有年龄段想和其他女性一起骑行的女性, 周日剂量的维生素G 对于那些喜欢砾石自行车的人来说, 周日慢卷 for those who like a slower pace, and many others I’m not mentioning!  威奇托自行车步道 is also a fantastic place for cyclists to meet 与 other like-minded people.  无论你选择哪一组, you will be able to spend time 与 others while engaging in a fun and healthy activity!

社区卫生: 当你开始骑自行车穿过威奇托, 以每小时10-15英里的速度游览这座城市,而不是开车时每小时40多英里, 你会真正开始欣赏这座美丽的城市所提供的一切. 根据 强城理念, 这也有利于城市的经济活力, as residents are more likely to stop at a store if they are on a bike vs a car.  All of this is more likely to make a person truly proud of where they call home.  I ride my bike to work almost every day and I can honestly say it’s one of the best parts of my day.

目的/职业: 骑自行车上班, you automatically feel more invigorated and motivated to take on the day, because you’ve already accomplished something just by getting to work. In turn, this has the potential to increase your employee’s work satisfaction and purpose.


So this is all great, but how do you harness these benefits for your employees?  这就是战略健康规划发挥作用的地方.  Instead of offering incentives for things like completing a biometric screening or attending a nutrition class, 你可以考虑将这笔钱用于以下方面:

  • 提供自行车设施,如自行车架或现场淋浴.
  • 给员工购买或修理自行车的津贴.
  • Incentives for each day an employee opts to bike to work rather than drive. 这可以是按天奖励,也可以是按英里奖励.


让你的员工更容易骑自行车上班, 你要确保他们得到上述所有的好处, 与 作为雇主,你给的钱很少. 投入到主动交通上的钱都花得很值. An 俄勒冈州波特兰市的分析,大致上 百分之六 有一半的人骑自行车上班, found that the return on investment for cycling-related transportation was roughly 3:1 when accounting for direct healthcare costs. When the value of prolonging human lives was added the ROI rose to almost 50:1 (a single quality-adjusted life year is considered to be worth 约100000美元 精算师).

If you or your employees are concerned about certain aspects of cycling, 比如如何修理和保养自行车, 对于骑了一段时间的人来说,如何骑自行车, 或者如何在路上安全通勤, 等组织 威奇托自行车步道 offer education and assistance to anyone interested (often times free, or for a very low cost).  决定开始骑车是最难的部分!